Venezuelans protesting
Venezuelans protesting AFP

Armed militias seemed to open fire against protesters in Venezuela on Monday as shows of discontent expand throughout the country after the government claimed victory in highly contested presidential elections.

Journalists and political figures published a video showing a group of people firing several shots in the direction of protesters who marched near the Miraflores presidential palace. People immediately run away while police officers are seen giving orders, although not moving on to those with guns.

"Right now. Armed civilians are shooting while police doesn't do anything in Miraflores," reads the publication by opposition leader Leopoldo López, who earlier on Monday was accused by the attorney general of being involved in efforts to tamper with the results.

Speaking in a press conference, Tarek William Saab said a team is "gathering evidence to convict as a result of these actions, which sought to alter the results." He added that the alleged attack was perpetrated from "North Macedonia" and that such crimes can have sentences ranging from three to six years in prison.

Thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets on Monday to protest the government's decision to claim victory in the elections. The opposition and several countries throughout the region and the world have rejected this, calling for the electoral council to publish the results in detail, something that has yet to happen.

The government, in turn, has doubled down, accusing the opposition of trying to change the results in its favor and critical governments of foreign interference. It expelled the ambassadors of seven countries from the region, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile among them. after their refusal to recognize the results.

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