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Argentina's five presidential candidates faced off at a debate that touched on topics such as economy, education and human rights at the northern city's Centro de Convenciones Provincial Forum on Sunday night.

The said candidates were Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza), Sergio Massa (Unión por la Patria), Patricia Bullrich (Juntos por el Cambio), Juan Schiaretti (Hacemos por Nuestro País) and Myriam Bregman (Frente de Izquierda y Trabajadores – Unidad).

Milei and Bullrich slammed the ruling party's Massa over the economy and inflation in the country. Massa, who currently serves as minister of economy in the country, promised that a government with unity would be introduced if he got elected.

Schiaretti also pointed out economic instability in the country and asked, "Has your life improved since Massa has been Massa's minister? Surely not, if he doubled inflation and the [unofficial blue] dollar is at 800 pesos."

Schiaretti, governor of Córdoba, went on to claim that the only thing Massa had done so far was bring Argentina to the brink of hyperinflation. Bregman, on the other hand, noted that only her party stood up for working-class people.

During the debate, Milei called himself a "lion." Bregman mocked him by saying, "Milei is not a lion, he is a cuddly kitten of economic powers. He is an employee of big businessmen."

The segment called "Right to Reply" then became heated when former security minister Bullrich asked Massa how he could be a good president given that he was being a "bad minister."

Bullrich told Massa, "You increased taxes, and then you want to make a criminal law? You did everything wrong, you doubled inflation, the dollar. Do you want to tell us that as president you are going to be different from what you are doing now?"

Massa, on the other hand, looked at Milei, and said, "The fate of the PyMES [small and medium businesses] is doomed if this man becomes president."

In response, Milei said, "Why don't you tell me about the fiscal disaster you are making with the 'plan platita.' How nice everything he says sounds, it's a pity he can't do it if inflation does not go down. We are on the verge of hyper[inflation] because instead of the fairytale, he does not tell us what he is going to do with it."

Milei further said that it was time to eject the "political caste" and explained that Argentina was facing a decline due to it. "In 50 years, we will be the biggest slum in the world," he pointed out. "We started the 20th century as the richest country in the world. Today we are in the middle of the table."

Bullrich and Milei slammed the economy minister Massa multiple times over inflation. In response, the minister admitted that inflation was a huge problem at the moment and the government had made mistakes that hurt the public. "I apologize for them," Massa said.

Argentina's general election will be held on Oct. 22.

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