Apple has officially announced their newest iPad tablet at their media event on Tuesday in San Francisco. The iPad Air, as the device is called, will be available for purchase on November 1, just in time for the holiday shopping rush. The iPad's new design is similar to the recently released iPad Mini. The iPad Air is thinner and lighter with a 64-bit processor. The new iPad will also feature a smaller bezel that will minimize the tablet's footprint without shrinking the size of the screen.
The fifth-generation iPad from Apple will keep its 9.7 inch screen. The 16GB price for the iPad Air will start at $499 for Wi-Fi only and $629 for a device with cellular data capabilities. During today's media event Apple promised an 8x improvement in the performance of the CPU while also saying the GPU performance would see a 72x improvement. is also reporting that the iPad Air will be getting a Wi-Fi upgrade to MIMO technology and will have multiple antennas that will provide up to 300Mbps of data transfer.
The iPad Air will be available in white, silver, black and space grey colors. Apple will also be keeping the less expensive iPad 2 in their lineup this fall. The iPad 2 will be priced at $399. All new iPads will be equipped with Apple's iOS 7 operating system. At the event Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the company has sold over 170 million iPad devices since the tablets were first introduced three and a half years ago. The Apple website has released an official press release regarding the next generation iPad.
The press release reads: "Apple today announced the iPad Air, the latest generation of its category defining device, featuring a stunning 9.7-inch Retina display in a new thinner and lighter design. Precision engineered to weigh just one pound, iPad Air is 20 percent thinner and 28 percent lighter than the fourth generation iPad, and with a narrower bezel the borders of iPad Air are dramatically thinner - making content even more immersive. Apple today also announced iPad mini with Retina display, bringing all the pixels from the 9.7-inch iPad to its 7.9-inch screen, delivering razor sharp text and detail in the same amazing thin and light design."
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