Mexico just experienced another major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.1, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Mexico's seismological agency set the magnitude at 6.8 and said its center was east of the city in the state of Puebla.
National Civil Protection chief Luis Felipe Puente tweeted that there were no reports of damage so far, but thousands of people fled office buildings along the central Reforma Avenue as alarms blared, and traffic stopped around the Angel of Independence monument.
The tremor comes on the day Mexico City commemorates the 32nd anniversary of the most destructive shake that the city experienced in the 80s with preparation drills held earlier in the day in buildings across the city. The 1985 Mexico City earthquake struck in the early morning of 19 September with a moment magnitude of 8.0 and a Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent).
The event caused serious damage to the Greater Mexico City area and the deaths of at least 5,000 people. The sequence of events included a foreshock of magnitude 5.2 that occurred the prior May, the mainshock on September 19, and two large aftershocks. The first of these occurred on September 20 with a magnitude of 7.5 and the second occurred seven months later on April 30, 1986 with a magnitude of 7.0.
The event caused between three and four billion USD in damage as 412 buildings collapsed and another 3,124 were seriously damaged in the city.
Although there's not a lot of information about this earthquake yet, there are images of buildings collapsing. Check out the tweets below to see how citizens and celebrities are reacting.
SISMO Magnitud 7.1 Loc. 12 km al SURESTE de AXOCHIAPAN, MOR 19/09/17 13:14:40 Lat 18.40 Lon -98.72 Pf 57 km
— Sismologico Nacional (@SismologicoMX) September 19, 2017
Se derrumba edificio en Alvaro Obregón, Condesa, CDMX
— Ruido en la Red (@RuidoEnLaRed) September 19, 2017
Huele a gas. Personas heridas salen del lugar pic.twitter.com/PDkeJHBfl5
Qué susto el temblor. Gracias a Dios bien.
— JACKY BRACAMONTES (@jackybrv) September 19, 2017
Acá bien en casa (del Valle) algunos edificios están dañados por favor no se acerquen se desprenden las partes exteriores (recubrimientos)
— MANUEL BALBI (@MANUELBALBI) September 19, 2017
Fuertísimo temblor! Que horror! Hoy 19 de sept.
— Ricardo Fastlicht (@fastlicht) September 19, 2017
Huele a gas en la Condesa
— Irene Azuela (@IreneAzuela) September 19, 2017
Otro temblor! Fuertisimo?agh!
— Montserrat Oliver (@Montserrat33) September 19, 2017
Tembló !! Tembló horrible !!
— raquel garza (@raquelgarzac) September 19, 2017
Dios mio Santo hay que rezar porque esto no es normal, qué temblor tan espantoso.
— Ariadne Díaz (@AriDiazz) September 19, 2017
Está temblando durísimo!!!!!!!!?????
— Jimena Perez (@jimenachoco) September 19, 2017
Que susto, espero que todos estén bien! En un teatro sientes que se te viene el mundo encima ?
— Renata Notni (@Renotni) September 19, 2017
Y dos horas después ........ toooooomala !!! #temblor ? https://t.co/ybal4v9ckv
— Dominika Paleta (@dominikapaleta) September 19, 2017
— Nora Salinas (@norasalinastv) September 19, 2017
Dios! ??
— Kika Edgar (@KikaEdgar) September 19, 2017
Dios! ??
— Kika Edgar (@KikaEdgar) September 19, 2017
Que horrible se sintió en Ajusco el temblor. Se movían los árboles muy cañón.
— Osvaldo De León (@OsvaldoDeLeOnOf) September 19, 2017
¡Que susto! Por acá todo bien.
— Danna Paola (@dannapaola) September 19, 2017
Todo bien por acá ustedes?
— MARCO DE LA O (@MARCODELAORIOS) September 19, 2017
Todos bien?, cómo les fue con este temblor?
— Rocío Sánchez Azuara (@RocioSAzuara) September 19, 2017
Todos bien? Tremendo #Temblor en #cdmx !!!
— Marcelo Cordoba (@MarcheloCordoba) September 19, 2017
Todos bien? Se sintió muy fuerte en la CD.MX. , en Puebla están bien ?
— gAbY mELLaDo** (@gabymelladou) September 19, 2017
La tierra otra vez se manifiesta.... ?
— Matias Novoa (@MatiNovoaB) September 19, 2017
La tierra otra vez se manifiesta.... ?
— Matias Novoa (@MatiNovoaB) September 19, 2017
Todos bien?
— Jessica Coch (@JessyCoch) September 19, 2017
Repórtense gente!! Todo bien?!??
— MARISOL DEL OLMO (@marisoldelolmo) September 19, 2017
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