Karin Ryo showing anime move she used to apprehend shoplifter
Karin Ryo reenacting the anime move she used to apprehend shoplifter. tvk News Link【公式】/ YouTube

A 23-year-old woman living in Japan saw a convenience store robbery as an opportunity to subdue a shoplifter using a technique she learned from watching anime.

On September 16, Karin Ryo walked into Tsurumi Ward, a convenience store in Yokohama, Japan, unaware that her shopping trip would soon make her a local hero. Shortly after entering the store, a man attempted to steal a six-pack of beer, resulting in a violent confrontation with the store clerk.

Ryo, who has never trained as a fighter, instinctively intervened, grabbing the man's legs and bringing him to the ground. Then she swiftly put the thief in a headlock, a move she attributes to the many anime shows she watches.

"I've never done martial arts. I took tea ceremony lessons," Ryo told Sora News 24. "I like anime, so I just sort of imitated what I've seen in it."

During the struggle, the man tried biting Ryo's arm to escape her hold, but had little luck. Her grip never let up and Ryo was able to keep the man in that position until police arrived.

"At the time, I wasn't scared, it felt like my body was just moving on its own," Ryo said.

Following the altercation, the Tsurumi Police praised Ryo for her heroism in a letter of commendation, which they only send to thank individuals for courageous or helpful acts.

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