A psychologist testifying on behalf of Johnny Depp’s defense team said on Tuesday that his ex-wife Amber Heard had suffered from, among other things, borderline personality disorder, which she claims is why Heard and Depp got into frequent fights during their marriage.

Testifying on behalf of Depp’s team after extensive research and a 12-hour interview of Amber Heard, Dr. Shannon Curry claims that Heard suffers from borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder, which may have caused her to be aggressive during the relationship, according to ABC News.

Heard, she says, is “driven by an underlying fear of abandonment,” with her borderline personality disorder making it that she “will make desperate attempts to prevent that from happening.”

Curry also says that Heard’s histrionic personality disorder makes her crave attention from others, and feeds into her need for drama and attention from others, noting that she would “utilize their looks to get that attention.”

Finally, Curry claims that Heard’s PTSD was “grossly” exaggerated and that she believes that Heard was not truly suffering from the condition as she first claimed.

Heard had physically reacted to Curry’s claims about her mental health and personality during the trial, and during cross-examination by Heard’s team, Curry acknowledges that she is not board-certified nor has she testified beforehand about victims of violence between partners, according to the Independent.

Heard’s legal team pointed out the evidence by the couple’s therapist and marriage counselor as proof that even during their marriage, Heard had reported the abuse to trusted people around her.

Los Angeles police officer Melissa Saenz also testified about going to Depp’s penthouses in Eastern Columbia Building to check on Heard, days before she would go to a courthouse with a large mark on her face and seek a restraining order against Depp.

She says that Heard was crying but had no injury on her face. Depp’s team believes that this proves that Heard had faked the injury in an attempt to garner sympathy from the public regarding her case.

The defamation case by Depp against Heard has largely turned into a forum for the couple to show intimate and private details about their marriage to the public, often focusing on the grizzly and ugly parts of their relationship in an attempt to prove spousal abuse.

A psychologist put forward by Johnny Depp's team claims that Amber Heard suffers from both borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder, which Depp's team claims resulted in abuse on Heard's part. JIM LO SCALZO/Getty Images.

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