Alanis Morissette is being sued by her former nanny, claiming that she was forced to work in hard conditions. The lawsuit lists specific damages, with nanny Bianca Cambeiro stating she was not paid overtime and forced to work 12-hour overnight shifts without any breaks. Cambeiro filled the lawsuit on Thursday at the Los Angeles Superior Court, the former nanny is seeking $30,000 in unpaid wages and $100,000 in damages.
Cambeiro was employed by Morissette and her husband Mario Treadway; according to the lawsuit she worked 3-4 days a week overnight from 9 p.m. till 9 a.m. In the lawsuit she states that was not paid overtime and was essentially held hostage by Morissette. The “Ironic” singer allegedly denied her former nanny any rest or meal breaks. In addition Cambeiro was instructed to never leave the room unless Morissette or Treadway were present. Morissette's son, Ever, was never to be left alone when sleeping, unless a parent was present or if she was relieved by the day nanny.
Within the lawsuit, Cambeiro states that she was not the only nanny with an issue. Both Cambeiro and the unidentified day nanny asked Morisette’s accountant about being paid overtime in 2012, they were told “we don’t do that.” Camberio stated that she was paid $25 per hour while employed by the couple from August of 2011 to March of 2013. In the lawsuit, she cites one particular night where she worked a particularly grueling shift caring for 3-year-old Ever. In a report by RadarOnline, Cambeiro stated that she also traveled with the couple. The nanny traveled with Ever while Morissette was on tour, she alleges that she worked seven days straight on several different occasions.
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