AirTran Flight Diverted
AirTran Flight 265 bound for Austin, Tx. had to be diverted Monday evening when a man allegedly exhibiting suicidal behavior tried to open the emergency exit. Creative Commons

An AirTran flight departing from Baltimore en route to Austin, Texas had to be divered to Memphis when an apparently suicidal man attempted to exit the plane. The man tried to open the emergency exit of the Boeing 737 as the plane travelled above Little Rock, Ar. Monday evening. He was said to not have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but witnesses said he began exhibiting suicidal behavior before the incident. He allegedly said, as he tugged on the emergency exit, that he did not want to live. John Greaud, vice president of operations at Memphis airport, said that passengers were deplaned in order to be interviewed about what occurred.

Crew members restrained the man when he attempted to open the emergency exit and stayed with him until the plane landed in Memphis. AirTran Flight 265 had a total of 120 passengers aboard with five crew members. It landed at around 6:30 p.m., where the man was taken in and questioned by the FBI and TSA officials.The flight was able to resume at around 8:30 p.m. and continued onward to its final destination uninterrupted. It is not immediately known whether or not the FBI will press charges. The man's identity was not released.

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