Biden campaign has launched a new ad in Spanish
Biden campaign has launched a new ad in Spanish Screengrab from new Biden ad

The Biden-Harris 2024 campaign has unveiled a new Spanish-language ad titled "Adelante" (Forward) emphasizing the president's commitment to Latinos and the values the message claims matter most to the community: family, hard work, and dedication.

The ad features Fabián, a union member and voter in Arizona who shares his story of pursuing the American dream. He expresses gratitude to Joe Biden for understanding people like him—Latinos who prioritize family and work tirelessly every day to reach their goals.

"Adelante" is part of a media blitz with a $50 million budget for Biden and Harris's reelection campaign in July. The ad will air during high-traffic television events, including the 2024 Olympics and the Republican National Convention.

The campaign aims to connect with Latino voters across several states, building on the seven-figure paid media campaign that began around the Copa América and included everything from campaign-sponsored events at swing-state sports bars and restaurants to television and digital ad campaigns in English and Spanish on Fox, Univision, radio and other outlets covering the tournament.

Maca Casado, Director of Hispanic Media for Biden-Harris 2024, commented on the new Spanish ad in a statement to La Opinión :

"Fabián's story mirrors that of countless Latinos pursuing the American dream, valuing family and hard work. The Latino community deserves a president who embodies these values—not a racist criminal convicted 34 times, concerned only with himself."

The Biden campaign also expanded on the ad with a statement:

"Trump separated families, attempted to end protections for Dreamers, and proposed budgets that cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food assistance programs relied upon by Latino families. Moreover, the former president came within one vote of repealing the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, which would have denied healthcare access to millions of Latinos and threatened those with pre-existing conditions."

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