A Valentine’s weekend together in a German town turned into a nightmare as people were hospitalized on Saturday, Feb. 12, due to the fact that the champagne they were served was laced with ecstasy.

The restaurant, which was a place of Italian cuisine that was located in the German town of Weiden, reported showing the guests the original packaging before opening the champagne in front of them, leaving police puzzled at its effect, according to the Daily Beast.

After drinking one sip of it, many of the guests began to either have seizures or began passing out on where they sat or stood. Many of the patrons watched in horror as the poisoning occurred, with some calling the police due to the unusual incident, Deutsche Welle reported.

The guests who drank the champagne were promptly taken to a hospital after first responders on the scene found them lying on the floor. The age range of the victims was between 33 and 52, with one 52-year-old man dying hours after he was checked into the hospital.

Police officers, testing a sample from the champagne, found that it contained over 1,000 times the normal dosage of the drug ecstasy. So much of the ecstasy was in the champagne that it turned the liquid purple from the saturation, according to ABC News.

“We can confirm that after the first investigations there was Ecstasy in the liquid, in a significant concentration,” senior public prosecutor Gerd Schäfer said. “There were things in it that don’t actually happen in a Champagne. It had a toxic, a poisonous effect.”

Many of the victims of the crime are still hospitalized, though some have been able to go home since the incident.

The German police are currently investigating the case as negligent homicide, with some of them suspecting that the champagne was not actually the drink and that the packaging was being used in a drug-smuggling ring by an unknown set of people.

However, when asked to talk about the rumor regarding the ecstasy incident, police officers instead has refused to comment due to the ongoing nature of the investigation.

Several people were hospitalized, with one of them dying after being admitted, when an Italian restaurant in a German town served champagne that was somehow laced with ecstasy. This is a representational image. Alexander Naglestad/Unsplash.

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