Mall Of America's Earth Day Celebration.
Pictured are lady bugs released as part of Mall of America's Earth Day celebrations. Instagram

What can possibly be cooler than going on a class trip to the mall? Going to the mall and make the news for being cool third graders who took a special part on Earth Day 2013.

The Mall of America (MOA) in Bloomington, Minnesota gave these kids the opportunity to learn something new about the environment and contribute to it by releasing 72,000 lady bugs because they provide a save and environmentally friendly way to combat pests like aphids, who attack the mall's tropical plants.

Over 30,000 live plants and more 400 trees are part of MOA's attractions besides the fact that this is one of the largest indoor malls in the United States. To make it even more interesting, over 60 percent of their waste is recycled, averaging over 32,000 tons of trash every year.

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