Unlike Prince Philip, who is known for his sometimes unfiltered comments, Queen Elizabeth II has always been known for her impeccable sense of propriety. And people love her for it, as evidenced by a recent opinion poll showing her to be the second most popular royal, with fans describing her as “dignified and respected.”
But beneath that prim and proper image is a quick wit and a good sense of humor just waiting for the right chance to be unleashed. Here are a few instances where Elizabeth’s keen sense of humor show that she is also one fun, witty monarch:
1. Queen Elizabeth is known for brightly colored outfits. But she has a perfectly valid reason for her colorful fashion taste. “If I wore beige, nobody would know who I am,” she once clarified.
2. During a visit to New Zealand, she was met with egg-throwing protesters. However, the angry mob did not affect the Queen’s mood at all. “I myself prefer my New Zealand eggs for breakfast,” she commented.
3. The Queen once saw an Everly Brothers’ performance of “Cathy’s Clown” back in the sixties. Apparently, she was not impressed. “They sound like two cats being strangled,” she told her lady-in-waiting.
4. And based on her question to Eric Clapton, she probably isn’t a big fan of his kind of music either. “Have you been playing a long time?” Her Majesty asked the guitar legend at a Buckingham Palace reception in 2005.
5. Princess Michael of Kent reportedly said that the Queen’s corgis “should be shot” during an interview. “They’re better behaved than she is!” was Her Majesty’s perfect response.
6. Her Majesty once attended the opening of a nude painting exhibition by Lucian Freud. During the event, a museum curator asked Queen Elizabeth if she has a painting done by Freud. “Yes, but not like that,” was her accurate but humorous reply.
7. The Queen visited the U.S. in 1991, and she delivered a speech in the White House. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the stage decorations failed to take into account Elizabeth’s height and the podium basically covered most of Her Majesty with only her hat showing.
“I do hope you can see me today,” was her opening statement when she spoke in Congress the following day. Everyone laughed and gave her a standing ovation.

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