Just as millions the world over line up to get inoculated from Covid-19; recent studies indicate the possibility of a gnawing side-effect from taking the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine— Herpes zoster or shingles.
As per recent reports; patients with certain autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases are likely to contract the skin condition that starts out as a small, itchy skin rash. But, not taking timely medical care could lead to serious health implications. This includes a prolonged burning sensation even after the rash disappears.
The findings by researchers from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Carmel Medical Center in Haifa, however, were observed among six young patients out of 491. The numbers, albeit worrisome, attribute to a small percentage. The research also highlighted that people above 50 were at a higher risk of contracting the condition.
Despite having reported on it, experts urge people from across the globe to not get riled up over this finding and vaccinate against the deadly virus.
“That is why we reported on it,” said Dr. Victoria Furer, the lead author, to a media outlet, as cited on New York Post. “We cannot say the vaccine is the cause at this point. We can say it might be a trigger in some patients,” she added, suggesting how there has been no confirmation as yet as to whether the condition is actually caused by the vaccine. The observations were linked to a study in the Rheumatology journal.
One of the suggestions to the issue has been about patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases getting jabbed for the issue, before taking the Covid shot. Medical practitioners have urged that the findings were publicized not to instill fear among people, but rather, get them duly informed about something that needs all the focus now—health.
There have been over 141 million cases registered worldwide, with a recovery rate of 80.4 million and fatalities leading to 3.01 million. The world continues to grapple with the virus, with some of the biggest challenges being the lack of hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, and testing kits to treat the virus.

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