A Ph.D. Sussex student committed suicide after jurors debunked her rape claims. Josie Jolley, 25, had overdosed on her mother's cancer medication on Sept. 8, 2020, and was found dead at her home in Stanmer Park Road, Brighton.

Her lifeless body was discovered in bed by friends, reported by The Argus. A day before her death, Josie’s mother, Jacqueline, was undergoing cancer treatment and spent the night in the hospital.

She requested two of Josie's friends to attend to her after she couldn't reach her, but when they hollered through the window on September 8, there was no response.

According to evidence presented at Brighton Coroner's Court this week, Josie mentioned that she had been raped by the police in December 2019.

However, after her January 14 investigation, the police took no further action due to a lack of evidence and CCTV footage showing her shaking hands with the claimed attacker before the event.

During the inquest, Josie claimed that the incident was non-consensual, but the suspect claimed it was. That evening, they had met for the first time.

A CCTV video that night showed Josie holding hands with her accused rapist, which would "undermine" a jury's verdict, Detective Inspector James Meanwell of Sussex Police told the tribunal.

He told the court, “Often it's one person's word against another's. The burden of proof is quite high in criminal court and that's where the issue is.”

Senior coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley said, “Josie agreed that when she had originally met this person he had offered her a massage.” She continued saying that the man “wanted more” but when Josie refused, “he assaulted and raped her.”

“He says it was consensual,” Hamilton-Deeley said. “Officers would have been satisfied there was enough evidence to charge and secure a conviction for it to be passed to the CPS in the first place, but ultimately it comes down to the CPS.”

Josie's mother, Jacqueline, stated at the inquest that they had talked about how Josie should appeal the decision, but Josie believed it would cause more delay.

Jolley, a student at the University of Sussex's geography department since commencing her undergraduate degree in 2014, had previously been in a relationship with one of her Ph.D. supervisors, but this had ended in July 2019 in the court.

After attending the Saturn Sexual Assault Referral Centre, Josie was sent to the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service and placed on a waiting list for therapy.

According to the court, her mental health had declined, and she had severe depression and was having trouble concentrating, but she had rejected counseling at the school and antidepressant medication.

Josie saw her doctor in July of last year and received high marks on two depression and anxiety questionnaires.

On July 29, the university called her primary care physician, expressing worry for her well-being after she expressed suicidal thoughts.

One of Josie's oldest friends, Ruby, testified during the inquest, “The break-up was something she had processed.” She added, “The attack happened and I don’t think it was something she could get over.”

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