An Ohio man met with an untimely death after he was shot dead while entering his home on December 4. As per recent reports, Casey Goodson, 23, was fatally shot by Franklin County Sheriff’s Office deputy Jason Meade. But, there’s a great deal of discrepancy in what’s been reported by the authorities and Goodson’s family.

As per U.S. Marshal Peter Tobin, enthused that Meade — who’s been an active part of a search for a fugitive along with the U.S. Marshal's Office — was waived a gun at, by Goodson. Upon being confronted, the latter failed to comply with orders and refused to drop his gun.

On the other hand, Goodson’s family believes the narrative is far from true and that the man was returning home from a dental appointment. His family co-counsel Sean L.Walton alleged that he has a subway takeout in hand. “Casey had the screen door open and his keys in the door and Deputy Jason Meade fired shots at Casey,” said Walton as per a media outlet Tuesday. “He fell into the house, where he lay in his kitchen,” he added.

Goodson’s mother Tamala Payne averred that she was at work when the news of her son getting shot reached her. “[Meade] took an oath to serve and protect and clearly that's not what he does. ... Therefore, I want justice for my son,” said Payne to a media outlet. “My 5-year-old called me, crying and screaming, 'Mommy, Casey just got shot,” she added.

While cops maintained that a gun was found at home, Goodson’s family asserts that he was a legal gun owner. Further probe is underway, with the Columbus Police Department investigating the shooting since the sheriff's office reportedly does not look into fatal shootings by its own deputies.

There is no video footage of the shooting, as Franklin County Sheriff's task force officers aren’t issued body cameras.

Goodson’s mother believes that everything that happened had a lot to do with their race. "What I believe in my heart happened is that Casey was murdered in cold blood for being a Black man," said Payne. "[The deputy] deserves to be in jail. He deserves to prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.The deputy sheriff's office and whoever else is involved needs to take proper steps in ensuring that their deputies are trained properly," she added.

US Protest against Police brutality
A New York City Police NYPD officer (R) uses pepper spray as police clash with people protesting against the verdict announced in the shooting death of Michael Brown, in Times Square, New York, November 25, 2014. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday urged protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, and elsewhere in the United States to refrain from violence and called on law enforcement to protect the rights of people to demonstrate peacefully. Reuters/Mike Segar

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