An Israeli teen was killed Monday, May 24, after a part of a statue collapsed on him during his workout.

15-year-old Karim Riada, a resident of the Druze town of Hurfeish, succumbed to the critical injuries on his head and spine that he sustained after a part of a statue collapsed on him.

He was reportedly doing pull-ups on a stone gate at Monfort Lake Park in the nearby city of Maalot-Tarshiha when a piece of it collapsed and fell on top of him, the Times of Israel reported.

Medics responded to the park and found him unresponsive on the ground. Emergency services rushed him to Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, where he was later pronounced dead.

The teen's untimely and tragic death has left his family and friends in shock.

The police are investigating the fatal incident. No further details were available at the time of this writing.

"At this stage, we do not consider it appropriate to relate to the circumstances of the case and we will wait for the findings of the investigation and the initial probe that will be performed by law enforcement," the Ma’alot Tarshiha Municipality said.

"We are sorry for the outcome of the difficult incident and share in the deep sorrow of the youth’s family."

In another incident, a 19-year-old Pakistani Tik Toker, died after his gun accidentally went off as he pretended to shoot himself while filming a video.

The boy, identified as Hamidullah died on May 19, when he held a friend's pistol to his head and pulled the trigger, not knowing the gun was loaded.

"According to our initial report, Tik Tok star Hamidullah, a resident of Maaband Shah Derai, was filming a video showing a suicide scene for sharing with his followers on his account when the pistol went off," said Hazrat Badshah, Deputy Superintendent of Police in Kabal.

The deceased teen had more than 8,000 followers and posted nearly 600 videos on his Tik Tok profile.

"He planned to film a suicide video and arranged a pistol. Unaware of bullets in the pistol, he went to a nearby mountain with his friends where they started filming the video," the Dawn quoted an eye witness as saying.

Rocky Statue
Representational image. Creative Commons

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