Jorge Ramos is one of the most influential men in the world according to TIME magazine. He is always bringing us the latest news, and interviewing politicians, and world leaders. This time, Ramos is making the headlines for a different reason. Yesterday, Ramos posted a very personal letter on his website jorgeramos.com dedicated to his daughter Paola, who is finishing her Master’s Degree at Harvard University. The piece, named “Carta A Paola,” is a very touching message in which he shares his pride, and feelings about his daughter.
“My darling Paola:
I’ve been owing you this letter for a long time. But I wanted to give it to you on a very important moment and that moment has arrived. You are getting your Master’s Degree and I couldn’t be more proud.
There are children that surpass their parents, and you are already in that category. It sounds impossible that the daughter of immigrants (from Cuba and México) ended up studying in Harvard. But, truth to be told, you have gotten us used to the impossible. (And the U.S. too. I only hope that immigrants that arrived after us are treated with the same generosity, and are given the some opportunities that we received.)
You are way more than just smart. During a moment in your traveling youth, going between Miami and Madrid, you learned to take advantage of life. I love the pictures you used to send us, jumping anywhere in the planet, almost flying, as if you were suspended in the air, and with a smile that says without doubt: I love this life. (You have no idea how many times I’ve thought that I always wanted to be like you.)
One of the most difficult life lessons is to just be ourselves. And apparently, that was not a hard job for you to do. You don’t copy. You just are. And you have even developed your own way of dressing, the “Paola look.” Comfortable, cool, defiant, unique.
A family friend once told me: “Paola is going to save you.” You had just been born, I got my first gray hair, and I didn’t understand what she was trying to tell me at the time. But later on, it became very clear that the most important things in my life would be you, and your brother Nicolás. You have indeed saved me: when I have doubts about what to do, I know where to turn. To the heart, to the blood. That never fails. You will always be my priority.
With the possibility of having 3 passports, and knowing several languages you are the best example I have of inclusion and diversity in the world. I love your generation. You are sick of labels, of stupid beliefs, and values that are imposed. It is the first generation of men and women that are feminists and, they despise discrimination as a principle. Since they were young, you knew that nothing in life is forever and that’s why you don’t like to wait. That will create better countries; it’s about leaving behind planet that is a little better than what it is now.
You could be President, or if you want, you could fight against a President. Or write. Or everything. You learned that you can do everything, and that there are no limitations. That can only be decided by you, and only you. You took control of your life, of your destiny, and that has no price. No, happiness doesn’t come in an App., there are things that can’t be changed with a phone, but you know that you need to work to be happy, it’s not something that comes down from Heaven.
Your friends act surprised about the fact that we talk on the phone almost every day. We talk about politics, we philosophy about love, love always comes from both ends, I told you that last time; one side is not enough, and when we see each other, we share books, trips, chips with hot sauce, manchego cheese, a basketball game, our fear of planes and turbulence. I close my eyes and I remember the song I used to sing to your beautiful green eyes, and the special shake we had. (Stop Dad stop, don’t say anything else, that’s what you must be thinking right now.)
Miami was built from the sea and swamps, home of many exiles, it took us in with love, patience, tolerance and work. It’s been a while since you moved away from home, but nothing gives me greater joy than you coming home. We missed on so many hugs when we lived in two different continents so I always feel like we have to catch up on them. That is why, no matter how old you get, you will always have a room here, at home. It’s for you, and for me. I want to always believe that you are about to come home.
This letter, this very public letter, will inevitably fall into that corny side that you and I both have. But I wanted to give you something that came from my own hands. Also, I don’t think it’s fair to spend a lifetime writing for others, and not for the people you love the most. The world is yours. Go get it, and start playing.”
Posted by Paola Ramos on Monday, May 19, 2014
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