Jorge Ramos, one of the most influential people in the world according to Time magazine, has always made sure to report accurate facts about the latest news on U.S. candidates. Which is why, the Univision’s news anchor decided to personally reveal his daughter’s participation in Hilary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.
Paola Ramos, who recently graduated from Harvard University, will be one of the many supporters during Clinton’s campaign and her dad couldn’t be more proud. However, Ramos made it clear that he was going to make the announcement and did not wish to talk about the subject after the statement was released.
Ramos decided to use Univision’s website, once again, to express his feelings about the situation and assure his audience that his point of view and journalistic ways will not change because of his daughter’s participation in the campaign.
This is what Ramos wrote on Univision.com:
“As a journalist the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. That can be achieved, on one part, by being transparent to our audience, our colleagues, and our critics. That’s why I’m letting you all know that my daughter, Paola, has accepted an offer to work on Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
As a father I am very proud about the fact that she has decided to actively participate in our democratic process. I hope that a lot of other young people get involved too, whatever their political party and their personal ideologies might be. Our democracy and our future depend on them.
Because of this, I support and respect Paola’s decision. In our family we have always appreciated tolerance, dialogue, and the idea of actively participating in things you believe in.
And just like all the other reporters who have parents, siblings, or relatives involved in politics, this will not change they way I do my work. I will keep reporting with absolute independence and making tough questions, just like I have been doing for the past 30 years.”
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