"Hands Of Stone" is the biopic based on the life of Panamanian boxer Roberto Durán. The film will star Edgar Ramirez as Durán and Robert De Niro as his trainer Ray Arcel. The Jonathan Jakubowicz directed and written motion picture will also star Usher as Sugar Ray Leonard and Ellen Barkin with locations set in Panama. Durán and Leonard were the leads of a boxing match in 1980 for the WBC World Welterweight title rematch that gave way to the "No Más" phrase. Throughout 8 boxing rounds, Leonard was winning the match and forced Durán to quit as he was allegedly embarrassed he was losing. To stop the fight he was heard saying "no más" ("no mor") and the rest is history. See highlights of the epic fight down below!
After that fight, Durán took some time to recover and gained weight to classify for the WBC Light Middleweight title. Durán lost his attempt at the championship against Wilfred Benítez after a 15 round match. He didn't end up winning the title until 1983 in a match against Davey Moore at Madison Square Garden. It was until 1989 when he won the WBC Middleweight title and was the "Fight Of The Year" according to The Ring magazine.
In 2001, the celebrated boxer announced his retirement after he was involved in an accident that almost cost his life while traveling in Argentina. Durán was ranked number 28 by "The Ring" magazine in a list of 100 greatest punches of all time for his 69 wins by knockout. In 2006 he entered the World Boxing Hall Of Fame in Riverside, California and in 2007 he was placed into the International Boxing Hall Of Fame in Canastota, New York. See a still of the biopic "Hands Of Stone" up above!
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