Foxes "Animation Domination" returns tonight with all new episodes of "The Simpsons," "Family Guy," "Bob's Burgers" and "American Dad." Seth McFarlane's hit-comedy shows premiere's tonight with another episode revolving around Steve and Snot called "Steve and Snot's Test-Tube Adventure." Den of Geek's website describes it best by saying, "episodes centered around Steve and Snot's antics are when "American Dad" is at its best," and we whole heartedly agree. "Steve and Snot's Test-Tubular Adventure" has Steve and Snot trying to create prom dates from a cloning machine. Instead, they get fast-growing babies.
The full episode synopsis released by Fox reads: "Thwarted in their efforts to secure dates for the upcoming high school prom, Steve and Snot turn to the CIA's cloning machine to churn out two willing ladies. But, when the device produces two uber-fast-growing newborn babies, the boys must break out their fathering skills to ready them in time for prom night. Meanwhile, Stan takes home the CIA's cloned pet, Daren the Dodo, with disastrous consequences."
Check out the episode airtime, date and episode info below:
Date: Sunday, September 29, 2013
Start Time: 9:30 p.m. ET
Episode Name: "Steve & Snot's Test-Tubular Adventure"
TV Info: Fox
Live Stream: Fox, iTunes, Amazon
Will you be tuning in to the premiere episode of "American Dad?"
Related: 'The Simpsons,' 'Family Guy' Crossover: Fox Says Simpson, Griffin Family To Meet Up In 'The Simpsons Guy' Premiering Next Year
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