Laura Bozzo Vs Carmen Aristegui
Image Televisa/MVS

The feud between Laura Bozzo and Carmen Aristegui has just gotten more interesting, but it seems that is only Bozzo who wants to ignite a fire unsuccessfully, because she's the only one who's being public about it and the more she opens her mouth, the more she looks like she's the one at fault. This time around, the Peruvian TV host said in an interview with Mexican newspaper "El Universal" that she is not a liar, like people have been accusing her, but a "motivator of solidarity in Mexico," which, from her point of view, Carmen Aristegui has never been. "She hasn't even left her office, she hasn't gotten her shoes wet for helping people, she's someone who thinks she is the Virgin Mary."

It all started when Carmen Aristegui called her out on her radio show with testimonies from other journalists who were in Guerrero, Mexico after the Tropical Storm Manuel. They saw when Laura arrived to the scene and explained that she was in a helicopter that descended. She did not get off, and instead, gave instructions to her TV crew who was already on the ground. Minutes later the helicopter ascended again, only to come back down in a muddy and dangerous area where Laura was able to make her grand descent. However, all that staging wasn't what prompted Aristegui's comments. It was the fact that she was using the state's resources for her convenience, instead of allowing the survivors of the storm be benefitted from them.

Bozzo called her a liar and challenged her to go back to the affected zone to see "who the people recognize." Of course Aristegui declined the challenge and stood by her allegations. She said that to accept the challenge would be "a morbid distractor" from the real issue, that is to get help to the victims of the natural disaster. After a series of loud and dramatic responses and challenging Aristegui time after time, Bozzo finally spoke about how she got to use the helicopter that belonged to the state to put on her famous show. "It was as simple as going to the clearinghouse and being recognized by the people of the Relámpago group. They knew who I was. I said 'I want to enlist, I want to help', I was not talking crap. I reiterate that the governor of the state of Mexico, Eruviel Avila, never sponsored my trips there."

She insisted on challenging Aristegui yet another time. "All of this that she and a lot of people have done is not going to end here. I will take it to the last of the consequences because nobody is going to profit from my name and no one is going to compromise my name. If she believes so much she's the Virgin Mary and the totem, she has to come down and get dirty with the people. She needs to come down from her wonderful pedestal to see if anyone knows or recognizes her." Meanwhile, Aristegui's team has said that they have no comments beyond what was said in Carmen's radio show.

RELATED: Guadalupe Loaeza On Laura Bozzo: Mexican Author Says TV Presenter Is 'Sinister'

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